Embracing the Journey Within
A little rambling piece that decided to conquer my thoughts in the midst of a life transition, but specifically midway through watching an interview between Hugo Travers and Christopher Nolan. He will always be one of my best film producers, inspiring me with his diligent work ethic.
In moments of doubt, remember the immense progress you’ve made after countless hours of contemplation. This journey began to honor the free spirit within you — the person you truly are, both to yourself and to those who know you best.
Being an intellect isn’t something to be ashamed of!
Being raised in a sheltered house isn’t that bad as well!
Being referred to as “eccentric” can be taken as a compliment!
Embrace your personality and true colors!
Embrace the intellect side within you!
Embrace the ambitious side of you!
Embrace the dreamer and space enthusiast you are!
Embrace your love for books!
Here comes a sincere thanks for inspiration that always comes to find me in moments of need.